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Louis Facey presents at the BFI Southbank

Louis Facey specifically applied to the BA (Hons) Digital Film and Video course (now Film Practice) at LSBU, because he felt it would enhance his professional prospects due to our excellent reputation within the industry. Attracted by the hands-on, practical nature of our course delivery, Louis’ faith in our commitment to producing work-ready graduates has been rewarded with the opening of Elephant Studios, a multi-million pound studio complex that gives LSBU students the chance to use the latest production facilities to hone their craft.

New facilities

Louis was able to make use of the new facilities on the Fiction Film Production module that forms part of his degree. “We made huge use of the studios,” says Louis. “My editor and I were in the edit suite all day most days of the week during the editing process, and the facilities were an absolute pleasure to use – from the capabilities of the Mac Pros to the way the isolation of the suites can help you to focus. We even hired the film studio to audition our cast, which gave everyone a strong sense of professionalism.”

Jack - a short film

Watch Jack, a short film created by Louis.

Time on placement

Louis feels that the experience he is able to gain from using Elephant Studios complements the time he has spent in industry on placement to make him stand out from the crowd. “I’ve undertaken several placements with production and post-production companies,” he says. “It was a great way to gain professional experience, and helped me make my own contacts. I’m now getting professional work as a result of emailing producers.”

Professional approach

Louis feels that being given the time, facilities and guidance to take a professional approach to directing a short film is the best element of his degree, and believes that the quality of the facilities and equipment at Elephant Studios has helped him produce work to a high standard. “I’m really excited that I’m showing my second year film at the BFI Southbank, which is one of the big benefits of being in central London,” he says.

The work I am doing at LSBU will stand me in good stead when it comes to finding professional work, as well as encouraging my own creative direction.

Louis Facey

Freelance work

Louis feels that the opportunities he has had and the experience he has gained through his course and Elephant Studios give him an excellent start to his career. “I’m currently picking up freelance work in the industry as I train to become an assistant director,” he says. “I’m hoping to keep directing my own films while preparing to take on freelance work as an assistant director once I graduate.”


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