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Maxine Asare - Generations4Change

Tell us about your business.

Generations4Change empowers young people between the ages of 11-25 with holistic practical social life skills.

What is the problem or need you are looking to address and how does your business idea meet this need?

Formal education is not for every young person, and I believe those who are not in education, for whatever reason, should still be entitled to develop skills to enable them to feel they are contributing to their community and also to build on the next chapter of their lives.

What inspired your idea and business?

As the next generation, I recognised the minimum support out there especially for marginalised young people in society. I decided on a developing a safe haven for then to come talk confidentially, develop self-growth, building on their confidence, and learning new skills.

I recognised that formal education is not for everyone through talking to some young people who had dropped out of education for different reasons. Some were still studying but wanted to find a purpose in life either building on skills they already had or learning new ones.

What has been the best part of your entrepreneurial journey?

Setting up the foundation of the organization, researching, and developing the characteristics of my target market. Being on the ground and engaging with my target audience, networking with like-minded entrepreneurs.

What advice would you give aspiring entrepreneurs just starting their journey?

Be authentic in what you want to achieve and set realistic goals.
Always go for quality and not quantity - you need the best people, products, and services and do not cut corners.
Be strategic in your feedback.

What support would be most beneficial for your business at this stage? What are you looking for help on?

I am looking for financing opportunities.

Where can we find more information about your business?

Learn more about my organisation and work online at


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