Nicole Chigbu - BEng (Hons) Civil Engineer Apprenticeship

Why did you decide to study Civil Engineering?
I’ve always known I wanted to be an engineer and doing an extended project as one of my A-Levels and finding that I enjoyed all the research and experimentation and questionnaires just as much as I enjoyed creating my designs and putting my ideas together is what really convinced me that that’s what I want to do for the foreseeable future. I want to be a part of creating the infrastructure that people use every day.
Why did you decide to study the course at LSBU in particular?
I decided to study at LSBU because out of all the Universities that I visited and researched, I felt the most welcome at LSBU. The presentations that I listened to showed that as much as they advertised their own facilities and awards, LSBU also put an emphasis on their students. On top of that, most of the apprenticeships I was applying to had LSBU as their educational provider, so in the end I had to rely on the fact that my employer trusts LSBU with my education. Plus the food is good.
How will studying at LSBU help you achieve your career goals?
Because I’m on an apprenticeship I’m already in the line of work that I want to be in. But studying with so many other apprentices from a wide range of companies, will hopefully allow me to make connections that I can use in the future.
What are the benefits of studying/working in Civil Engineering?
I think a benefit of working in Civil Engineering, at least for me, is the satisfaction that you get from seeing a model you made being used in a presentation, or a section of a report you helped with being sent off. The best thing about working in Civil Engineering is that the project that you are on will hopefully, eventually be constructed. You’ll be able to go on site and see what became of months of your team’s work. People will use the footbridge you designed, drive on the highway you modelled, walk into the office building you saw the original plans of.
What were some of the highlights of your programme.
I am only at the beginning of my programme, so I can’t speak on too many highlights so far. But as a bridge engineering apprentice, I am really looking forward to the modules heavily focused on building design as that’s something I don’t see every day.
Describe some of the support that was available to you.
As an apprentice, I have a skills reviewer that supports me recording the activities I do in order to work towards my qualification. I can also access the same mental health, academic and just general student-life support as a full-time student. As a Course Rep, I can take the issues me and the other students are having directly to our Course Leader, and know that he will try his best to resolve them.
Do you have any advice for students who are thinking of studying Civil Engineering at LSBU?
Definitely come and visit. There is nothing you can do that will give you a better idea of LSBU and the lecturers than actually meeting them, and that goes for any University. Take a tour, attend introductory talks, talk to the students.