Siddhath Vadera on his internship with Rafael

Third year BA (Hons) Business Management student, Siddhath Vadera, shares his experience of taking an internship with Entrepreneur Rafael Dos Santos (MBA) in summer of his second year.
What drew you to the role with Rafael?
I wanted to explore the field of digital marketing. I was eager to apply the principles learnt during the course at LSBU. My ambition to become a superior marketer drew me to the role. I anticipated the opportunity and wasted no time in contacting Rafael; he’s a Ted speaker and an award-winning entrepreneur, so as soon as I heard about the opportunity, I was keen to work for him.
How did you find out about the role?
First, I received an email from the Business School Commercial Experience and Employability Team about the role. I was excited and followed up the email, through which I was able to apply to the job. This was my first internship through LSBU, and hopefully not the last!
What was the application process for the internship?
The application process for the internship included sending a CV and a cover letter stating why you'd be suitable for the job. After passing that, I was invited for a video interview with Rafael. He then gave us an assessment to complete which included writing 600 words on a given topic, selecting an image for the article, and providing the hashtags we'd use and they ways we would promote the article.
What was a typical day like for you as an intern?
The first day of the internship was a bit nervous as I had a lot to learn. We were a group of 6 interns and were taught what and how we'd be doing things in this internship. We got introduced to each other, which I enjoyed, too. I learnt a lot of ways and techniques in first few days and soon started thriving.
What was your role?
My role in the internship was as an Assistant Marketing Trainee. I was responsible for writing blogs on the provided topics and promoting them digitally. It included writing two blogs a week of 800-1000 words. I had to research the given topic, write the blog on the topic, and add relevant images. I then had to make it visually appealing with emojis and gifs, after which, I sent it for editing. After the blog was approved, I published it in the High-Profile Club website (now known as GuidedPR). Then my promotion campaign started and was to achieve the set target of 100 views a week.
What did you learn in the internship?
This internship gave me a valuable experience in digital marketing. From being a complete starter in the field of marketing, I became a well experienced marketeer. I learnt how to write so that people want to read, the importance of an attractive title, the art of storytelling, finding the correct audience and giving an emotional touch to the article. I got to know the importance of building credible backlinks and how to approach other marketeers for collaboration. Long story short, this internship completed my lack of knowledge and skill to become an excellent marketeer.
Did your course help you with the role?
My course, Business Management, played a major role in completion of this internship. First, this course inspired me to want to become an incredible marketer. Second, this course made me develop a growth mindset, which enabled me to learn this totally new field and succeed in it. I understood the substantial importance of marketing in any business, but I didn't have detailed knowledge of it in practice. This is for all those people who think they can't go in this field because they haven't studied it. If I can go this far, then you too can go further than me you just need a sheer will to succeed.
Did the internship help with your course?
This internship has undoubtedly helped me in my course. By gaining practical experience in this field, it cleared all the questions I had about how the theory I learnt in class works in practice in a business in the real world. Now I would be much more readily understand the business knowledge taught in the lectures.
Tell us about your involvement with the Amazon e-book?
With the writing of blogs in this internship, I also co-authored two e-books which are currently published on Amazon. I wrote the topic of 'Content' in the e-book. The topic included the importance of creating meaningful content for businesses and how to create content. It included the proper length of blogs, the language, the structure, the title, the type of images, emojis and gifs. The two books were primarily focused on health and tech entrepreneurs.
What is your goal following your degree?
Following my degree, I wish to become an entrepreneur and carry forward our family business. I wish to join our lifelong business of trading of all types of glasses in India. My plan is to expand our business of trading and take it to the manufacturing level and become one of the leading glass supplying companies of India.
Do you have any advice for students starting out?
Make the most of your university. At the end of your course, there should not be a thing which you wanted to do but didn't. University life is the best life and at the end of it, you'll face the real world. So, make sure when you step out of university, you have tried all that your university offered and are ready to thrive.
Find out more about our BA (Hons) Business Management course and Careers and Employability with LSBU Business School.