Student sport injury and massage clinics
Sports massage and injury rehabilitation can be expensive, which can result in people simply learning to live with their pain. So, if you have an injury or live with a pain that needs treating, make sure you take advantage of this service. And if you’re just looking for a nice relaxing massage, we can offer this too.
The clinics are staffed by our BSc and IM Sport Rehabilitation students but supervised by qualified and experienced clinical staff.
Here’s a bit more about the clinics:
Massage clinics
Book by emailing smclinic@lsbu.ac.uk
- Where: V211 in K2
- When: 1:30 am-4:30 pm every Friday during term time (excluding bank holidays)
- Massages are carried out by our Year 1 students supervised by staff, so you can be assured of a quality and relaxing massage.
Sport injury clinic
Book by emailing srclinicbookings@lsbu.ac.uk
- Where: V101 in K2
- When: 10:00am-4:00pm every Monday and Thursday during term time
- The sport injury clinics is for those who have a specific injury which requires treatment. This clinic is run by our Year 2 and Year 3 Sport Rehab students, supervised by staff.