All current LSBU students, including those who are currently taking an interruption of studies.
Come and speak to us if you are experiencing any of the following, particularly if they are impacting your studies:
- Stress
- Worry or panic
- Relationship difficulties (including with friends, family, partner or children)
- Unhappiness or low mood
- Loneliness
- Bereavement (grief)
- Life stressors (for example housing or financial issues, or if you’ve been victim of a crime)
- Loss of interest or pleasure in activities
- Low motivation
- Seeing or hearing things that other people don’t seem to be
- Extreme and/or swiftly fluctuating emotions
- Suicidal thoughts and/or intentional self-injury (get immediate support here)
We’d particularly encourage you to speak with us if you have an existing mental health diagnosis (such as anxiety, depression, personality disorder, eating disorder, bipolar disorder or schizophrenia). You will be entitled to adjustments on your course – register with the Disability and Dyslexia Support Team to get these put in place.