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Adult Congenital Heart Disease (BARTS/LSBU Partnership) (Level 6)

Start date: Please click 'Apply now' to view start attendance dates.







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For all modules the applications portal will close 4 weeks before the start date. All applications must be submitted and funding confirmed before the portal closes. Any applications that have not been processed and or do not have funding confirmed from the sponsor organisation before the portal closure will not be accepted by the IHSC administrator staff.

Course reference

  • Code: HAN_6_017
  • Credits: 20
  • Start date: Please click 'Apply now' to view start attendance dates.


For all modules and courses the applications portal will close 4 weeks before the start date. All applications must be submitted and funding confirmed before the portal closes. Any applications that have not been processed and or do not have funding confirmed from the sponsor organisation before the portal closure will not be accepted by the IHSC administrator staff

This module critically evaluates the care of adults and young people with congenital heart disease (ACHD). Core topics include common congenital defects, their surgical repair, and long-term complications. The psychological and practical problems that face individuals with ACHD are also addressed. The Module is delivered within a London ACHD centre by clinicians working in the speciality. It is suitable for practitioners working in a cardiac setting where adult patients with ACHD are routinely managed.  

The module is an option in the BSc (Hons) Professional Nursing Practice (Cardiac Care).  It can also be taken as a stand-alone module. 

Available as a standalone module: Yes

Attendance (Please note, this is subject to change for future intakes)

Dates: For attendance information, please see the top of this page and click on ‘attendance dates’. Please note, if the module is full or closed for the intake(s) this academic year, dates may not appear. 

Venue: LSBU Southwark Campus and central London hospitals

Typical intake(s): Semester 2

Entry requirements

  • Ideally 120 credits at level 5 or equivalent.

  • Registration on a professional register as appropriate.

  • A minimum of 6 months' experience in a related area of practice.

Career benefits

This module gives practitioners the support and direction needed to develop specialist skills in the care of people with heart disease. It also equips individuals with the research and critical thinking skills needed to advance nursing practice, as proposed by NHS policies including the Five Year Forward View (NHS, 2014) and Clinical Academic Careers Framework (Health Education England, 2015). 

Individuals who complete the module will be better placed to progress their career within cardiac nursing, and will develop transferable skills that will be attractive to future employers.  The completion of specialist clinical modules is often a prerequisite for promotion, and is a key component of educational pathways leading to advanced clinical practice.


  • Element 1 - Multiple choice examination.
  • Element 2 - Essay.  

Both elements of assessment must be passed to pass this module. 

Assessment/submission date: TBC (Exam), TBC (Essay)

Learning Outcomes

Knowledge and Understanding: 

  • Demonstrate systematic knowledge of congenital heart disease, its complications, treatments, and the effect that it has on lifestyle.
  • Recognise personal responsibility for care, and the ethical and legal frameworks that contribute to professional practice.

Intellectual skills:

  • Critically evaluate the evidence base for the care of patients with congenital heart disease, and identify appropriate interventions. 
  • Adapt information from research and published literature to solving individual patient problems encountered in clinical practice. 

Practical Skills:

  • Plan and deliver effective, evidence-based care that is based on an informed knowledge of the patient’s individual pathology, history and preferences.  
  • Work and communicate effectively within the multidisciplinary team, recognising the need for onward referral and follow up.  

Transferable skills:

  • Critical evaluation of information, and the ability to relate theoretical knowledge to practical situations.
  • Recognise and reconcile ambiguity in data.

Contact information

Course Leader

Name: Rebecca Mercaldi


Name: CPD Enquiries

CPD Enquiries: +44 (0)20 7815 5412

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