We offer a range of practice-based postgraduate qualifications to give real world experience https://apply-ukapplications.lsbu.ac.uk/signinIn a highly competitive jobs market our postgraduate degrees can greatly improve your employment prospects. It can focus your CV, illustrate your commitment to success and help land the job you really want.
Course credits
Similar to most UK higher education institutions, LSBU's taught postgraduate courses operate within a system of credit comparable to the European Credit Transfer System. This means that subject to overall entry requirements, students from other institutions may transfer onto our courses and carry across credits already passed. Additionally, we may also be able to exempt you from elements of your course if you have relevant experience in the subject area, through our regulations for the Accreditation of Prior (Experiential) Learning.
Taught postgraduate courses
At LSBU, our taught courses are flexibly structured in modules to allow students more choice. Applying the knowledge and networks we have in business and industry, our course content is highly practical, applied and professional.
Postgraduate Certificate (PgCert)
This leads towards a named award and has a defined structure consisting of a range of taught elements followed, in some cases, by a dissertation. Full-time students normally study the equivalent of four units in each semester. Part-time study offers a more flexible approach and a range of study patterns.
Postgraduate Diploma (PgDip)
This leads towards a named award and has a defined structure consisting of a range of taught elements followed, in some cases, by a dissertation. Full-time students normally study the equivalent of four units in each semester. Part-time study offers a more flexible approach and a range of study patterns.
Masters (MA/MSc)
Most LSBU Masters courses can be completed to Certificate, Diploma or full Masters level depending on how many credits you accumulate. You can also choose to upgrade a Certificate or Diploma to a higher award at a later date. There is a range of taught elements followed, in some cases, by a dissertation.
Full-time students normally study the equivalent of four units in each of our two semesters, completing their masters dissertation over the summer period, or by the December of the year taught units are completed. Part-time study offers a more flexible approach and a range of study patterns are available.
Full- time | You'll be expected to attend over 2 semesters plus around 10 hours of home study per week |
Part-time | This more flexible approach features a range of study patterns to fit around other commitments |
Block and Day release | In agreement with your employer it is possible to study around the working week, with one day face-to-face contact with the university per week |
Blended learning | Offers three days face-to-face delivery per year with interactive CD-ROM audio recordings, e-learning and online discussion forums. Tutorial support and peer support are key elements and there is 15 hours of home study per week. |
Distance learning | Also known as e-learning, study is completed online, offering the flexibility to work at home anytime |
An MBA is a postgraduate degree in the study of business and is thought to be one of the most prestigious and sought after degrees in the world. MBA students learn the theory and application of business and management principles, equipping them with knowledge that can be applied to a variety of real world business situations.
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Our Master of Business Administration (MBA) focuses on business and management in an international context.
Diploma in Management Studies (DMS)
This course is accredited by the Chartered Management Institute and is designed for managers who want to develop and accredit their professional competence and knowledge base on a part-time basis over a year.