Widening participation
The Outreach and Widening Participation Team is passionate about breaking down barriers to studyWhat is Widening Participation?
Widening Participation has been a part of UK Government education policy for decades. It is designed to address differences in progression to university between different groups, acknowledging that learners from disadvantaged backgrounds may face significant barriers when considering, applying to, and succeeding in Higher Education.
At LSBU, we work with anyone interested in Further and Higher Education, however we provide extra programmes for those learners who come from underrepresented social groups who might miss out on the opportunity to progress in their education due to circumstances out of their control.
This includes, but is not limited to:
- Learners receiving, or eligible for, free school meals
- Disabled learners, including those with long-term illnesses
- Adult learners – anyone 21 years and over interested in studying for an undergraduate degree
- Care leavers and looked after children
- Young and adult carers
- Learners with no parental/carer history of Higher Education
- Refugees and asylum seekers
- Individuals from Gypsy, Roma, Traveller, Showman and Boater communities
We are committed to challenging preconceptions, offering opportunities for learners and their supporters to explore new subjects and careers, and to using our network of academics, students, alumni and partners to support those considering Further and Higher Education. Learners from Widening Participation groups will get priority access to our activities and bespoke support when making applications to LSBU, such as one-to one personal statement advice. Once students have enrolled at LSBU, we provide additional support, including bursaries, counselling and dedicated staff.
See our Summary of the Access and Participation Plan (PDF File 218 KB) and the full Access and Participation Plan 2024/2028 %asset_summary 412105% submitted to the OFS.
BAME females into STEM
The STEM skills gap is a current educational challenge. Women are significantly underrepresented in STEM-related career fields. We aim to raise awareness of STEM careers to female learners and provide them with role models of BAME females in STEM careers.
Care Experienced
We support care experienced students on their journey, providing support specific to the application process. Please go to our dedicated care leavers and estranged students webpages for more information about what we can offer.
Mature learners
It’s never too late to join LSBU. In fact, more than 43% of LSBU students are over the age of 21, and over 17% of LSBU students joined LSBU after the age of 31. We take into account alternative qualifications and can consider your work experience. Please feel free to contact our Course Enquiries team for more information or visit us on an Open Day to find out what’s on offer.
Student health and wellbeing
We know that life as a student can sometimes be stressful. LSBU’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Team will be there to support students’ physical, mental and emotional health and wellbeing; they are all connected and equally important.
Our designated team are happy to talk to you and your students about the services at LSBU.
Students with disabilities and dyslexia
We understand that every individual is different and that each person’s disability can affect them in different ways. This is why we work closely with the University’s Disability and Dyslexic Support Team to ensure we provide appropriate advice and guidance for each individual.
If a student has already made an application to the University, we advise them to contact our Disability and Dyslexia Support Team.