Your Future.
Your Career.
Your Success.

We’re here for it.

LSBU CareerSmart. Here for you.

Our graduates earn the highest average salaries of all London Modern universities (LEO, 2024).

We could say it's our LSBU CareerSmart programme that makes the difference - many would. But it's our students who sit in the driving seat of their career, so it’s you who deserve the credit.

That’s why we can guarantee something different. That we’ll match the passion and energy you bring at every turn, where you’ll also find all the tools you need to succeed.

Because it’s your future, your career, your success. And we’re here for it.

Our ethos

We’ve come a long way ourselves. Over 130 years ago, we started helping our local community learn the skills needed to work in local trades. And the same can be said today.

Social mobility is what we’re all about. We work to make education as accessible as possible and ultimately empower you and those around us to continue to break the mould.

We know first-hand just how important it is to recognise your own strengths, so that’s where we’ll pick up our journey with you.

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Your guarantee

Your LSBU CareerSmart programme will offer you workshops, networking opportunities, personalised skills trackers and even AI-powered CV support to name a few, but we’ll also spend our time getting to know you.

Undergraduate. Postgraduate. Home student or international - Just bring your determination and drive. We’re here to match it.

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LSBU CareerSmart: How we’re here for you

Bloomberg, Morgan Stanley, Warner Bros. Discovery, Allen & Overy, Tropeano Media Group, BNP Paribas CIB, and the Crown Prosecution Service (to name a few) all benefit from our graduates working with them. LSBU CareerSmart – our programme of opportunity and support - proudly supports all our students, and alumni for life.

Find out more at our Open Days.

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