Two student sitting outside

How to pay

Follow this simple process to pay for your studies at LSBU

Full-time Home undergraduates and EU undergraduates with settled/pre-settled status

Home and EU settled/pre-settled student applications for maintenance funding, tuition fee loans and other support should be made online through Student Finance England (SFE). Details for international students can be found on our International Fees and Funding page.

Details of student finance are provided by Student Finance England. SFE will send you a Financial Notification setting out your entitlements - you will need this document with you at your online enrolment at the university. All entries in our Course Finder show tuition fee information. Search our Course Finder now.

As part of your online enrolment we will check whether you have applied for and been awarded a tuition fee loan. You will be asked to make payment in full of any amount not covered by your tuition fee loan. You will remain personally responsible for payment of fees and charges, even if there is an arrangement for the university to receive payment on your behalf from the Students Loans Company.

If you choose not to take a loan your fees are payable in full at your online enrolment. If you are ineligible for a tuition fee loan you will need to provide evidence of this at your online enrolment and you may be eligible to pay your fees by instalments. See our arrangements for self-funding students.

Part-time Home and EU settled/pre-settled undergraduates

You will need to provide evidence that your tuition fee loan is in place at your online enrolment. If this isn't possible then you will need to pay at least the initial down-payment of a half (50%) of your yearly tuition fee.

It is your responsibility to contact Student Finance England to make sure your application is processed and that you receive a letter confirming your fee loan entitlement. Students not eligible for the part-time fee loan can pay as self-funded, sponsored or part self-funding/part-sponsored students.

Early settlement discounts

If you are enrolling for a whole year's study, are self-funding and pay in full by the full payment dates set out above you may be entitled to an early settlement discount of 5% of your year's course fee.

The discount is not applicable if you receive an LSBU Scholarship, any other LSBU Discount or Bursary. The discount is applicable on that part of your fee that you pay direct to the university. The discount is not applicable to any part of the fee paid by a sponsor or any other third party or if your tuition fee contribution is not paid in full at the point of enrolment. The discount does not apply to  full-time undergraduates with Home fee status. See a copy of our tuition fee regulations (PDF File 401 KB) for more details on part self-funding/part sponsored students.

Payment arrangements

Pay online

You can pay online using our Online Payment Portal.

Pay by bank transfer

All international bank transfers should be made via our partner Convera.

This service allows you, your parents and sponsors to pay your fees in your local currency and from your home bank account without worrying about exchange rates or bank charges. Your payment will arrive quickly and in full to the university.

Please visit our Convera for more information or make a payment (this link requires the latest version of your internet browser).

Fraudulent payments

Any person may offer to pay your fee on your behalf, in return for an upfront payment. Invariably, this involves the person using stolen debit or credit cards to make the payment. Fraud is illegal and could be an example of money laundering. If you know or believe that they are involved in such activity you could be aiding and abetting fraud and may be subject to arrest by law enforcement, and the University may take disciplinary action against you. If LSBU receives multiple failed payment attempts, your ability to pay on the portal will be disabled and you will have to attend the campus and pay onsite.

Sponsored students

At your online enrolment/re-enrolment, you will need to provide confirmation of the following:

  • Sponsor name and the amount of sponsorship agreed to be paid on your behalf
  • The contact name and email of the person in the organisation who has agreed your sponsorship
  • The address of your company’s Finance Department where the invoice will be sent
  • A purchase order number

You will remain personally responsible for payment of fees and charges, even if there is an arrangement for the university to receive payment on your behalf from a sponsor or any other third party.

Self-funding students

Home or EU settled/pre-settled full-time undergraduates, including students on the PgDip Architecture, MArch Architecture and PGCE courses, are not eligible for the self-funding student payment arrangements. See our tuition fee regulations (PDF File 401 KB) for further information.

NB: Students studying for fewer than 2 semesters in any one academic year are not eligible to pay in instalments

When you enrol online it is essential that you either:

  • pay the full fee, or
  • pay the initial down payment of one half (50%) of the fee. (The remaining two instalments, each amounting to a quarter (25%) of the fee are due on the dates given below.)

Deadlines for the 2024/25 academic year are set out below.

Payment arrangements for self-funding students starting programmes September 2024

Amount due

For New Students

Full payment

At your online enrolment


Initial down payment

2 September 2024

First instalment

31 January 2025

Second instalment

18 April 2025

Please note – other dates apply to students enrolling on full year courses that do not start in September.

Further information